Home 483
- DSCN6063 8917 hits
- DSCN6062 8606 hits
- DSCN6060 9255 hits
- DSCN6059 8854 hits
- In front of my hostel room 8566 hits
- DSCN6056 9382 hits
- DSCN6055 9159 hits
- DSCN6053 8868 hits
- DSCN6048 9065 hits
- DSCN6047 8965 hits
- DSCN6044 9162 hits
- DSCN6043 9274 hits
- DSCN6042 9625 hits
- DSCN6038 9707 hits
- Ice crystals in leaves 12371 hits
- Panoroma of Panchuli 8092 hits
- Panoroma of Nandadevi 6862 hits
- Panoroma of the whole range 5656 hits
- 1.3m telescope with roof open 13228 hits
- DSCN5209 8734 hits
- DSCN5208 8141 hits
- Zoomed view of ARIES from Devasthal 51123 hits
- DSCN5109 10407 hits
- DSCN5100 10181 hits
- DSCN5096 10537 hits
- DSCN5095 9969 hits
- DSCN5089 9824 hits
- DSCN5054_2 8165 hits
- DSCN5039 7934 hits
- DSCN5038_2 7699 hits
- DSCN5028 8105 hits
- DSCN5025 7715 hits
- DSCN5015_2 12031 hits
- DSCN5012_2 9234 hits
- DSCN5011_2 7595 hits
- DSCN5008_2 10258 hits
- Towards the direction of ARIES 7846 hits
- DSCN4994 7235 hits
- DSCN4990_2 8647 hits
- DSCN4989_2 10514 hits
- DSCN4967 9539 hits
- DSCN4966_2 9604 hits
- Orion constellation 7906 hits
- Front of Devasthal guest house 37883 hits
- DSCN4874_2 8927 hits
- DSCN4872_2 9218 hits
- DSCN4871_2 11474 hits
- DSCN4850 7636 hits
- DSCN4842_2 9414 hits
- DSCN4837 8067 hits
- Site of upcoming 3.6m telescope 8453 hits
- DSCN4819_2 10125 hits
- DSCN4814_2 10079 hits
- DSCN4810_2 8343 hits
- DSCN4805 8067 hits
- DSCN4804_2 11444 hits
- DSCN4803_2 11522 hits
- DSCN4800 7335 hits
- DSCN4795 7534 hits
- 1.3m telescope control room 9939 hits
- DSCN4772_2 7968 hits
- DSCN4766_2 9789 hits
- DSCN4765_2 9342 hits
- DSCN4763_2 10337 hits
- DSCN4762_2 7508 hits
- Outside 1.3m telescope building 9648 hits
- 1.3m telescope 9691 hits
- DSCN4746_2 7957 hits
- DSCN4742_2 8877 hits
- 1.3m telescope building 10240 hits
- Nandadevi in rays of setting sun. 13818 hits
- DSCN5243 9860 hits
- DSCN5247 8660 hits
- DSCN5248 8679 hits
- DSCN5252 8757 hits
- DSCN5254 8541 hits
- DSCN5256 8901 hits
- DSCN5263 9035 hits
- DSCN5271 8662 hits
- DSCN5279 8854 hits